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Occupation Forces Begin Building the Apartheid Wall in Al Burj Village

***image2***Occupation Forces began on September 5 destroying and uprooting in Al Burj village in the Hebron District in order to build the Apartheid Wall. This comes at the same time that the Occupation is building the Wall in Beit Awa, Deir Samit, and Al Sikka which are located in the southwest area of the Hebron […]

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In a Next Step towards Expulsion: New Demolition Orders in Dab’a

***image2***Occupation Forces forced upon residents of the village of Dab’a four demolition orders on September 16, calling on the owners of the threatened houses “to object” by October 14. Two hundred and fifty people living in 42 houses reside in Al Daba’a village, located in the southern Qalqiliya District. The village has faced continuous suffering […]

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Building of the Apartheid Wall Continues in Budrus, as does the Popular Resistance

***image2***Occupation Forces are continuing to build and destroy for the Apartheid Wall in Budrus village, situated in northwest Ramallah District, currently laying the groundwork in various parts of the village’s west side, while in the south continuing the area’s ruin as of last month’s commencement in those parts. The popular resistance in Budrus continues despite […]