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Occupation Forces Begin Building New Settlement in Qalqiliya District

***image3***Occupation Forces began on Wednesday, September 14, building a new settlement on Izbat Salman and Izbat Jalud lands, located in the southern Qalqiliya District. Occupation Forces started destroying and demolishing lands in this area this past August when destruction took place on the southeast side of the villages in order to build the new settlement, […]

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Occupation Forces Erecting the Apartheid Wall in Ram, Jerusalem-Ramallah Road

***image2***Occupation Forces began last week to put up the Apartheid Wall in Ar Ram village in north Jerusalem on the main street which connects Ramallah and Jerusalem, and which also links Jerusalem with the northern West Bank. The Wall through Ar Ram passes along the middle of the main road, separating the two sides of […]

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September 25th: Demonstrations in Germany against the Apartheid Wall and the Occupation in Palestine and Iraq!

Taking up the Palestinian and international calls for mobilization on the fourth anniversary of the al-Aqsa Intifada, September 25th has been declared a National Day of Action against the Apartheid Wall, War and Occupation by the “German Coordination against the Wall in Palestine”. Demonstrations will be held in five cities across the country. The demonstration […]

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September 25th: Demonstrations in Germany against the Apartheid Wall and the Occupation in Palestine and Iraq!

Taking up the Palestinian and international calls for mobilization on the fourth anniversary of the al-Aqsa Intifada, September 25th has been declared a National Day of Action against the Apartheid Wall, War and Occupation by the “German Coordination against the Wall in Palestine”. Demonstrations will be held in five cities across the country. The demonstration […]

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Occupation Forces Issue House Demolition Orders to Residents of Anata for the Building of the Apartheid Wall

***image2***Last Thursday, September 2, the Occupation Forces forced demolition orders upon three Palestinians home owners in Anata, northeast of Jerusalem. The three houses threatened for demolition are owned by the Fhidat family in Anata. Younis Mohammad Younis Fhidat stated that the Occupation Forces issued orders for the demolition of three homes that are owned by […]

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A Week of Action in New York against US Colonialism, the Occupation in Iraq and Israeli Apartheid

***image2*** Six days of demonstrations and arrests (almost 2000 activists) in New York came to its conclusion on September 2 with a demonstration called by the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition that drew 10-15,000 people opposing US colonialism, occupation and its support for Israeli Apartheid. The anti-war/anti-occupation actions were called for in occasion of the Republican Convention and […]