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Day of Action , Mass Mobilization in Trafalgar Square.

Saturday 15th May 2004 1.30pm Trafalgar Square – Speakers and music 3.30pm – March to Downing Street Free Palestine! The Wall Must Fall! On May 15th, Palestinian Nakba Day, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in Britain is holding it’s annual rally in Trafalgar Square. The event, which is expected to be the years largest mass mobilization […]

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Day of Action , Mass Mobilization in Trafalgar Square.

Saturday 15th May 2004 1.30pm Trafalgar Square – Speakers and music 3.30pm – March to Downing Street Free Palestine! The Wall Must Fall! On May 15th, Palestinian Nakba Day, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in Britain is holding it’s annual rally in Trafalgar Square. The event, which is expected to be the years largest mass mobilization […]

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Cliff Hotel Confiscated by Occupation Forces in Abu Dis

***image3***Occupation forces last week confiscated the Cliff hotel in Abu Dis, located in South East Jerusalem, and owned by the Ayyad Family from Abu Dis. The hotel was under repair when the Occupation forces declared it empty and abandoned and should therefore fall under the custody of the so called “guardian of absentees property.” This […]

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Cliff Hotel Confiscated by Occupation Forces in Abu Dis

***image3***Occupation forces last week confiscated the Cliff hotel in Abu Dis, located in South East Jerusalem, and owned by the Ayyad Family from Abu Dis. The hotel was under repair when the Occupation forces declared it empty and abandoned and should therefore fall under the custody of the so called “guardian of absentees property.” This […]

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Cliff Hotel Confiscated by Occupation Forces in Abu Dis

***image3***Occupation forces last week confiscated the Cliff hotel in Abu Dis, located in South East Jerusalem, and owned by the Ayyad Family from Abu Dis. The hotel was under repair when the Occupation forces declared it empty and abandoned and should therefore fall under the custody of the so called “guardian of absentees property.” This […]

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Continued Expulsion and Land Confiscation in the North

Map of Affected Locality:***image1*** With the completion of the Apartheid Wall in Qalqiliya district, Occupation forces have been using many different policies towards confiscating lands which have been isolated behind the Wall. One of the main strategies has been the establishment of the gates and permit system, and declaring the lands behind the Wall as […]

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Continued Expulsion and Land Confiscation in the North

Map of Affected Locality:***image1*** With the completion of the Apartheid Wall in Qalqiliya district, Occupation forces have been using many different policies towards confiscating lands which have been isolated behind the Wall. One of the main strategies has been the establishment of the gates and permit system, and declaring the lands behind the Wall as […]

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Continued Expulsion and Land Confiscation in the North

Map of Affected Locality:***image1*** With the completion of the Apartheid Wall in Qalqiliya district, Occupation forces have been using many different policies towards confiscating lands which have been isolated behind the Wall. One of the main strategies has been the establishment of the gates and permit system, and declaring the lands behind the Wall as […]

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Continued Expulsion and Land Confiscation in the North

Map of Affected Locality:***image1*** With the completion of the Apartheid Wall in Qalqiliya district, Occupation forces have been using many different policies towards confiscating lands which have been isolated behind the Wall. One of the main strategies has been the establishment of the gates and permit system, and declaring the lands behind the Wall as […]