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Brutality at Qattana Demonstration

500 villagers demonstrated today in Qattana, northwest of Jerusalem, against the Apartheid Wall being built on their lands. The Demonstration began at 10:00am, with villagers heading to the area where Occupation forces were working. As soon as the demonstrators arrived Occupation soldiers began firing tear gas and rubber coated bullets in an attempt to disperse […]

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Brutality at Qattana Demonstration

500 villagers demonstrated today in Qattana, northwest of Jerusalem, against the Apartheid Wall being built on their lands. The Demonstration began at 10:00am, with villagers heading to the area where Occupation forces were working. As soon as the demonstrators arrived Occupation soldiers began firing tear gas and rubber coated bullets in an attempt to disperse […]

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Brutality at Qattana Demonstration

500 villagers demonstrated today in Qattana, northwest of Jerusalem, against the Apartheid Wall being built on their lands. The Demonstration began at 10:00am, with villagers heading to the area where Occupation forces were working. As soon as the demonstrators arrived Occupation soldiers began firing tear gas and rubber coated bullets in an attempt to disperse […]

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Campaign Statement on Land Day

The Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign Statement on Land Day “The Apartheid Wall is the Second Nakbe” March 30, 2004 Today commemorates 28 years after the first Land Day—Yawm Al Ard–where 6 Palestinians were gunned down and killed by Israeli forces as they were defending their lands and protesting against Zionist expansionism and land confiscation. […]

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Campaign Statement on Land Day

The Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign Statement on Land Day “The Apartheid Wall is the Second Nakbe” March 30, 2004 Today commemorates 28 years after the first Land Day—Yawm Al Ard–where 6 Palestinians were gunned down and killed by Israeli forces as they were defending their lands and protesting against Zionist expansionism and land confiscation. […]

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Campaign Statement on Land Day

The Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign Statement on Land Day “The Apartheid Wall is the Second Nakbe” March 30, 2004 Today commemorates 28 years after the first Land Day—Yawm Al Ard–where 6 Palestinians were gunned down and killed by Israeli forces as they were defending their lands and protesting against Zionist expansionism and land confiscation. […]