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#FreeSalah: 5 UN experts denounce repression of Palestinian activists

UN Special Rapporteur on the OPT, Michael Lynk, and the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders, Michel Forst, have issued a statement denouncing that human rights activists in the occupied Palestinian territories face "daily violations of some of the most fundamental protections afforded by international human rights and humanitarian laws". The statement has been […]

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European Trade Union Initiative for Justice in Palestine

Recently over 100 trade union delegates, representing twenty nine unions and three million members from all over Europe, gathered in a historic first meeting in Brussels to challenge European governments’ complicity with Israel and establish a cross European platform in solidarity with the people of Palestine. Israel’s blatant disregard for international law is well documented. […]

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EU pressures Israel on Salah Khawaja!

The European External Action Service has responded to the calls from Palestinian and European civil society to pressure Israel to #FreeSalah Khawaja and end the repression of human rights defenders. We thank all European organisations, activists, members of parliament and the ECCP, which has put the case of Salah Khawaja on the agenda of the […]

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#Free Salah update: Next hearing December 1

Yesterday the appeal hearing adjourned from Sunday has upheld the 9 days extension of the interogation period for Salah Khawaja. A next court hearing is scheduled for Thursday, December 1 2016 at Ofar detention center, close to Ramallah. On 26 October, Israeli forces entered into the neighbourhood where Salah Khawaja lives and fired tear gas […]

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Fidel Castro: Tribute to a hero

When a true hero dies sadness is overpowered by a sense of gratitude and responsibility. Fidel Castro’s passing away leaves all those of us convinced that justice, freedom and equality are possible with these revolutionary emotions. Our gratitude goes to his commitment to the struggle and courage to attempt almost impossible feats. The Cuban revolution […]