Posted inFrom PalestineFrom Palestine

#SaveSheikhJarrah: The Countdown is on for Sheikh Jarrah Ethnic Cleansing

Since the start of May, the Israeli occupation authorities have intensified its prolonged violent assault on Palestinian residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, Occupied Jerusalem. Amid this tremendous Israeli violence against the families of Sheikh Jarrah and their supporters from other areas in Jerusalem, Palestinians assert that the ethnic cleansing of Sheikh Jarrah is no longer […]

Posted inIn SolidarityNewsNewsNews

Join us at the ‘Decolonizing the Climate Crisis’ COP26 event!

The Jewish National Fund operates through colonialist strategies of greenwashing, land grab and suppression. Join long-standing Palestinian activists and anti-colonial environmentalists in exposing these abuses and shedding light on the urgency of supporting grassroots struggles in decolonizing the climate emergency. This event which takes place on Friday, April 23rd at 18.00-19.30.00 [Palestine Time] is Part […]

Posted inCalls / StatementsCalls / StatementsCalls / Statements

UN under pressure to #SaveHumsa and end Israeli apartheid

Today the UN Human Rights Council has discussed the situation in Palestine and has done so under pressure from hundreds of civil society organizations and people of conscience from across the globe. They have all appealed to #SaveHumsa, to recognize the attempts to destroy this and other Palestinian communities as policies of apartheid. They have […]

Posted inCalls / Statements

Israel Is Sharpening the Knife for mass ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem

In addition to the fierce Israeli attack on Humsa, Palestinian residents of Sheikh Jarrah and Al-Bustan neighborhoods in East Jerusalem face imminent Israeli ethnic cleansing actions. The looming expulsion of Palestinians from there is part of the Israeli coercive measures to empty Jerusalem from its Palestinian inhabitants and replace them with illegal Jewish settlers. According […]

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#Save Humsa: The United Nations Have to Act!

Since 3 November 2020, Humsa al-Fawqa, a Palestinian community in the Jordan Valley, has been targeted, raided, and demolished six times by the Israeli occupying authorities. Tell the UN Human Rights Council session on March 18 to #SaveHumsa by signing our petition jointly initiated by Stop the Wall and Al-Haq. Humsa al-Fawqa is but one example of […]