Khader Adnan’s last victory 

“The Israeli judge and prosecutor threatened him in court saying ‘You won over us 5 times, this will not happen this time.’” Randa Musa, Khader Adnan’s wife, recalled on the day of his death, after 86 days of hunger strike.  And yet he did win one last time.  Khader Adnan is an ex-political prisoner freed […]

Land Day – March 30 is a Day of Resistance

On March 30, we commemorate Palestinian Land Day, which marks the Israeli crimes of 1976. Each year, on this day, Palestinians reaffirm their commitment to resisting Israel’s policies of occupation, apartheid, and settler colonialism. Today marks Palestinian Land Day, a day of remembrance and resistance against the ongoing Israeli settler colonization of Palestinian land. On […]

Support the steadfastness of Masafer Yatta!

As Israel’s most openly racist and brutal government rapidly advances the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, the residents of Masafer Yatta, South Hebron Hills, are facing the intensification of Israel’s attempt to enact its largest mass scale ethnic cleansing since 1968. Over 1300 people are threatened to loose their homes. Homes, schools and other […]

Take Action to #DismantleApartheid !

Israeli apartheid repeats itself with yet another massacre in Jenin – Until when?

As Palestinians have responded to Israel’s ever escalating brutality with a general strike and protests across dozens of cities and towns, challenging Israeli apartheid everywhere, effective and strategic solidarity is crucial.

Israel demolishes al-Sfai school to advance ethnic cleansing

Israeli settler-colonialism continues its brutal attacks against the Palestinian people and their right to exist. On November 23, Israeli bulldozers demolished al-Sfai School, Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron.   In a chilling scene, students from al-Sfai school, steadfast in their school, were confronting the Israeli military forces and bulldozers for hours, refusing to leave the school. […]