Demonstrators arrested and injured during Bi’lin’s weekly protest which marked the anniversary of the ICJ ruling against the Wall

Israeli Occupation Forces arrested international solidarity activists and wounded several demonstrators during the weekly march against the Wall and settlements in the village of Bi’lin (Ramallah District). As usual, the protest began after Friday prayers after which demonstrators marched in the streets calling for Palestinian national unity and confirmed the need for a resounding Palestinian […]

Weekly Stop the Wall Repression Update

Weekly Stop the Wall Repression Update Scope: Repressive measures against Palestinian human rights defenders active against the Wall and the settlements in the occupied West Bank. Period: Monday, June 28th to Monday, July 5th, 2010 Summary: 1) Arrests of HRDs:   A number of arrests have been recorded this week. Israeli Occupation Forces arrested four HRDs […]

Weekly Stop the Wall Repression Update

Weekly Stop the Wall Repression Update Scope: Repressive measures against Palestinian human rights defenders active against the Wall and the settlements in the occupied West Bank. Period: Monday, June 28th to Monday, July 5th, 2010 Summary: 1) Arrests of HRDs:   A number of arrests have been recorded this week. Israeli Occupation Forces arrested four HRDs […]

Bethlehem: Activists injured, arrested in protests leading up to the 6th anniversary of the ICJ decision

On Friday July 2nd, 2010, Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) arrested activists and assaulted 15 demonstrators with batons during the weekly protest against the Apartheid Wall and settlements in Wadi Rahal (Bethlehem District). The protest began in the center of the village and included the participation of international solidarity activists. When the demonstrators tried to reach […]

Bethlehem: Activists injured, arrested in protests leading up to the 6th anniversary of the ICJ decision

On Friday July 2nd, 2010, Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) arrested activists and assaulted 15 demonstrators with batons during the weekly protest against the Apartheid Wall and settlements in Wadi Rahal (Bethlehem District). The protest began in the center of the village and included the participation of international solidarity activists. When the demonstrators tried to reach […]