Ni’lin continues to demonstrate against the Apartheid Wall in the face of continued suppression

Occupation forces once again suppressed a weekly protest against the Apartheid Wall in Ni’lin, a village in the Ramallah District. To disperse the crowd of villagers and activists, the occupation forces drowned the area in tear gas, causing multiple cases of asphyxiation. As usual, the Ni’lin march began after Friday noon prayers when almost 100 […]

Occupation erected military checkpoints to suppress the Bi’lin weekly protest which also commemorated the opening of the World Cup

Israeli Occupation forces erected military checkpoints at the entrances of Bi’lin, a village in the Ramallah District, in order to prevent people from joining the village’s weekly protest against the Apartheid Wall. Those who tried to enter Bi’lin were warned that they would be arrested and deported from the country for their involvement in the […]

Occupation erected military checkpoints to suppress the Bi’lin weekly protest which also commemorated the opening of the World Cup

Israeli Occupation forces erected military checkpoints at the entrances of Bi’lin, a village in the Ramallah District, in order to prevent people from joining the village’s weekly protest against the Apartheid Wall. Those who tried to enter Bi’lin were warned that they would be arrested and deported from the country for their involvement in the […]

Irtas campaign for land reclamation starts

The grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign launched a campaign on Friday June 4th, 2010 to reclaim agricultural land in the areas of the mountain of Abu-Zeid, Sha’ab Salman, Harikat Sind, and Wadi Abu-Amireh. These are areas in of the village of Irtas which have been negatively affected by the construction of the Apartheid Wall in Bethlehem. […]

The villagers of Al-Walaja and activists gather to stop bulldozing of agricultural land

On the morning of June 9th, 2010, Israeli Occupation forces arrested Palestinian and international activists in Al-Walaja, a village in the north west of Bethlehem district, after the villagers and their supporters tried to stop the occupation bulldozers from destroying more agricultural land in the village’s region of Al-Jozeh. The people of the village gathered […]

The villagers of Al-Walaja and activists gather to stop bulldozing of agricultural land

On the morning of June 9th, 2010, Israeli Occupation forces arrested Palestinian and international activists in Al-Walaja, a village in the north west of Bethlehem district, after the villagers and their supporters tried to stop the occupation bulldozers from destroying more agricultural land in the village’s region of Al-Jozeh. The people of the village gathered […]