Bil’in: Israel shoots Palestinian from Yafa

Occupying forces attacked the afternoon protesters as they held their weekly march in Bil’in. Troops fired tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets, and launched stun grenades and sound bombs, as well as employing two new types of weapons. One of these produces thick smoke clouds while the other sprays shrapnel in all directions as it […]

Ni’lin: every Day is Prisoners’ Day

***image2***More than one hundred fifty people joined the weekly march against the Apartheid Wall today, April 16, Prisoners’ Day. As always, the people first gathered for the Friday prayer on land near the Wall, during which time Imam Salah Mohammed Tayeh Khawaja underlined in his speech that in Palestine, every day is Prisoners’ Day. He […]

Prisoners Day in al-Ma’sara: renewed threats to the Popular Committee’s coordinator will not stop us!

Today’s march against the Wall in al Ma’sara was once again preceded by a night raid in the village, targeting the coordinator of the Stop the Wall Campaign in the Bethlehem district. Yet, the rally attended by many Palestinian representatives, was an immediate message to the occupation forces that intimidation will not repress the people. […]

Bil’in: Palestinian journalist detained

Israeli occupation forces arrested journalist Haitham Al-Khatib, a photographer working with an Israeli human rights organisation and the Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements, during the weekly demonstration in the village. Furthermore, large amounts of tear gas fired at protestors caused dozens of cases of breathing difficulties. The march was called for by the […]

New threats to anti-Wall activists in al-Ma’sara

After the Palm Sunday arrests, the repression in Bethlehem district, and in particular in al-Ma’sara, is clearly escalating. At 11pm on Thursday April 8th occupation forces raided the home of Hassan and Mohammad Brijeyeh. Mohammad Brijeyeh is the coordinator for the Stop the Wall popular committees in Bethlehem district and Hassan, his brother, is as […]