The Wall will fall in Ni’lin!

***image2***More than 200 protesters attended the weekly Friday demonstration against the apartheid wall in Ni’lin today. Sheikh Salah Mohammad Tayeh lead the prayer which traditionally marks the start of the Friday demonstration. He spoke about the importance of popular struggle and resistance for the liberation of Palestine. Furthermore, in the light of the 82nd anniversary […]

Ni’lin resists the Wall under heavy rain

***image1***The heavy rain which fell in the West Bank did not prevent the people of Ni’lin village from protesting against the Apartheid Wall. After holding prayers in one of the mosques in the village, demonstrators took to the streets, inviting others to participate and condemning the colonial polices of the Occupation government. This week, people […]

Sussex students vote to boycott Israeli goods

Students at Sussex University have voted to boycott Israeli goods. The decision will become part of the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, which aims to create Israeli compliance with international law and enforce the respect of Palestinian rights. The referendum result mandates the Students’ Union to remove all Israeli produce from its stores, […]

Protests focus on Wall and prisoners

This Friday, in spite of heavy rains, soldiers and tear gas, the people of Bil’in and al-Ma’sara marched against the Wall. In Bil’in, organizers dedicated their protest to jailed activist Adeeb Abu Rahmeh, who was arrested this summer and remains in prison for his role in organizing grassroots resistance. During the demonstration in Bil’in, people […]

Ni’lin demands Palestinian unity

***image1***More than 200 demonstrators attended the weekly demonstration against the Apartheid Wall in Ni’lin yesterday. This week the demonstration was calling for Palestinian unity, and the protestors demanded a stop to all factional rivalry and unification against the occupation. ‘The Palestinian people are one, the Palestinian people all live under occupation and we can only […]