This Wall is still illegal

***image3***This weekend saw demonstrations in Palestine and across the globe to mark the fifth anniversary of the International Court of Justice’s advisory verdict on the construction of the Apartheid Wall. At Bil’in the weekly protest began with a march, with two hundred demonstrators proceeding to the Wall and successfully opening the first set of gates. […]

CSQ latest union to take up BDS

Canada again became a focal point of the trade union BDS movement yesterday, as the third largest Québécois union – the CSQ – passed a motion in support of the Palestinian people’s struggle. The union had earlier spoken out, along with numerous other Québécois organizations, over Occupation forces’ blockade and bombardment of Gaza, denouncing the […]

CAIA pickets Chapters/Indigo; challenges CEO

The Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA) stepped up its campaign against Chapters/Indigo bookstores on 25 June, as activists disrupted the Annual Shareholders Meeting in downtown Toronto. In addition to passing out flyers and engaging shareholders, journalists, and passersby in discussion and debate, one of the most exciting developments came from inside the shareholders meeting, when […]

Bil’in Targeted in Reprisal Attacks

Last Friday’s protests saw a level of violence and repression that has become routine across the areas resisting the Apartheid Wall. In al-Ma’sara dozens of protesters marched out towards the wall in protest at the construction of the Wall and the settlements in its shadow. They found the road to be blocked by soldiers, who […]