Connex “dumped” after 4 month boycott campaign

***image1***In another major victory for the global ‘Derail Veoloa and Alstom’ campaign and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement in Australia, the Victorian State Government has chosen not to renew Connex’ (a subsidiary of Veolia) contract as the train system operator in Melbourne Australia. This is no doubt partly due to the efforts of […]

More demolition orders issued, settlements expanded around Jerusalem

***image2***Over the past month, the Israeli administration has continued to simultaneously expand the settlement ring around Jerusalem while targeting Palestinian homes for demolition. The construction of sewage, electrical and communications infrastructure is ongoing while new settler roads and housing units are planned. At the same time, Occupation forces have delivered more demolition orders to a […]

Protestors destroy Wall in Ni’lin

Youth cut razor wire and smashed motion sensors during the weekly protest against the Wall in Ni’lin. In Bil’in, protestors were accompanied by author and activist Namoi Klein, who held a news conference calling for boycott following the demonstration. Following prayers on the land, villagers in Ni’lin marched toward the Wall. The group was able […]

International Conference: “Experiences of unification and rejuvenation of the left in Palestine and worldwide”

***For updates about the conference proceedings, see:*** On June 26 – 28, the Palestinian National Democratic Progressive Movement (PNDM – Tayyar) will hold a three-day-conference on `Experiences of uniting the left in Palestine and the world` at the meeting hall of the Palestinian Red Crescent in Al-Bireh (Ramallah) and in Gaza. The conference is […]

Beach day protestors grab headlines in NYC

As part of its on-going rebranding campaign, the Israeli Ministry of Tourism held a Tel Aviv Beach Party in Central Park, New York City, on 21 June, 2009. Members of CODEPINK protested at the event and drew both public and media attention away from the effort to celebrate Tel Aviv’s 100th anniversary and to promote […]

Occupation forces raid Bil’in, kidnap youth

Soldiers stormed into the village of Bil’in at three in the morning on Tuesday. They conducted house to house searches and kidnapped fifteen-year-old Khalil Yassin and Kamil al-Katib, also fifteen. They also arrested Hassanain Mansour and Kefah Mansour, who were going to their isolated land, and brought them to an unknown location. Occupation forces systematically […]

French activists protest Paris air show

***image2***A group of French activists from the BDS France campaign held a non- violent protest against the Israeli presence at the Paris – Le Bourget Air Show. Le Bourget Air Show is one of the largest weapons and aerospace technology fairs in the world. The protest took place outside the Israeli pavilion, where several Israeli […]

Imbedded journalists in Ni’lin and Bil’in

***image1***This past Friday, the weekly demonstrations in Ni’lin and Bil’in were uncharacteristically quiet. Occupation forces in both locations did not prematurely attack the demonstrations, invade villages, or did they fire live ammunition and barrages of tear gas. Instead, in an attempt to create an image of restraint, soldiers invited Israeli journalists to report on protests […]

Increased media coverage of al-Ma’sara actions

In al-Ma’sara last Friday a group of local Palestinian protestors were joined by Israeli and international activists in their weekly protest against the Wall and settlements. The demonstration, which was blocked from reaching village land by soldiers and barbed wire, lasted longer than usual and was covered by several large international media outlets. Standing at […]