Another killed in Ni’lin

Occupation forces shot and killed Yousef Sadiq Srour during a demonstration against the Wall this afternoon in Ni’lin. Yousef Srour was shot in the chest with a live bullet while he was trying to remove an injured person from the front lines of the demonstration. Soldiers attacked Ni’lin in the morning, shooting at villagers who […]

Boycotting in Qalqilya

On Wednesday, Palestinian students, activists, professors and politicians gathered in Qalqilya to discuss the boycott movement in the West Bank. Some 70 people attended, a majority of them students, to present ideas and assess the current successes as well as the obstacles to moving BDS forward in their schools and communities. The workshop was organized […]

April in Jerusalem

In the month of April, four homes were demolished in Jerusalem, displacing four families totaling 26 people. The residents of Jabl al-Mukabr, for instance, saw one house destroyed in the neighborhood as well as the issuing of several new demolition orders. Settlement work also continued in Jabl al-Mukabr, where Occupation forces are creating a new […]

Two new videos online!

Arab Jahalin: Return to Tal Arad A documentary made up of a collection of interviews with members of the Jahalin, who narrate the histories and experiences from 1948 until the present. Since the Nakba, Occupation forces have expelled the Jahalin from a number of places, confiscating their lands for settlements. Now, the Wall threatens to […]

Bil’in marks 40 days since Abu Rahma killing

***image1***Demonstrations in Ni’lin and Bil’in were met with more violence this week. Five were injured in Ni’lin and three in Bil’in, and dozens more suffered from tear gas that Occupation forces showered on the protests. Protestors in Bil’in carried shields and posters of Basem Abu Rahma to mark the 40 days since his death. In […]

Imprisonment of anti-Wall activists

***image2***The remaining two prisoners from al-Ma’sara are still held without charge following another delay in their trial. In Ni’lin, the young man beaten and arrested during last Friday’s demonstration was released. And in the village of Jayyus, a young man faces up to three years in prison for participating in protests against the Wall in […]