Trade unions support BDS on May Day

***image1***Several demonstrations trade union demonstrations were held in Ireland and Canada at the beginning of May in support of BDS and Palestinian workers. Support for BDS is growing amongst trade unions, with the Australian CFMEU the latest to consider adopting boycott. In Belfast, Trade Union Friends of Palestine joined a May Day parade in solidarity […]

Legal activism in Europe

A growing number of lawyers and activists are utilizing European courts to prosecute Occupation military figures for war crimes. In Spain, an older case is moving forward, while in Norway a new war crimes investigation is beginning. UK lawyers have also expressed interest in pursuing this track, despite efforts by the British government to dissuade […]

Two new BDS resources

Two separate briefings have been released addressing the Norwegian Pension Fund’s investment in Israeli companies. One looks at IEC, Nesher, and Emblaze, while the second is a detailed report about on Israeli arms supplier Elbit Systems. Both demonstrate that the actions of the above firms run contrary to the Fund’s ethical guidelines and demand divestment. […]

BDS Newsletter #14 – April 2009

BDS NEWSLETTER Edition: 14 – April, 2009 CORPORATE NEWS Belgian campaign targets bank financing Israeli settlements In a remarkably short period of time, activists in Belgium have built a strong basis for the campaign “Israel colonizes — Dexia funds,” asking the bank to divest from its subsidiary Dexia Israel because of its financing the expansions […]

Canadian demonstration for Abu Rahma

On May 8, activist groups in Montreal organized a demonstration to commemorate Basem Ibrahim Abu Rahma, and to express continued solidarity with the struggle against the Apartheid Wall in the West Bank. Basem was killed by Occupation forces during a demonstration in Bil’in. News of his murder spread quickly throughout the world, sparking international solidarity […]

Protesting the arms trade in Brazil

Merchants of war visiting Brazil for the Latin American Aerospace and Defense (LAAD) Trade Show were met with a noisy protest made up of social movements, unions, student organizations, left parties and other popular organizations. The LAAD Fair showcased some of the biggest global names in war profiteering from across the world, including Elbit Systems, […]

Protests for the Ma’sara prisoners

Nearly 20 people were injured in protests against the Wall this Friday, several of which were held in solidarity for the five activists who were arrested in al-Ma’sara last week. In addition to a large demonstration in the Bethlehem area, the demonstrations in Ni’lin and Bil’in also called for their release. The people of Bi’lin […]

Checkpoint assaults in Jenin, Qalqilya

***image3***In separate incidents last week, soldiers in isolated ghettos in Jenin and Qalqilya assaulted Palestinians passing through checkpoints. These attacks reflect a wide-spread practice of harassment, itself part of a broader strategy aimed at furthering silent transfer and cleansing particular areas of their Palestinian populations. In the Qalqilya district, a soldier beat Sundus Mahmoud Ahamd […]