Youth break through the Wall in Jayyus

***image1***Last night youth from the village of Jayyus broke through the Wall in the village. A small group then proceeded to the site where the new path is being constructed, destroying and setting fire to building materials. Occupation forces responded by raiding the village, where they remained into the early hours of the morning. At […]

March in Jerusalem

In the month of March, the people of Jerusalem continued to stand against the Occupation municipality’s campaign to marginalize and expel the Palestinian population. A number of homes were demolished last month, while the efforts to force several families out of their homes in Sheikh Jarrah intensified. These incidents, while alarming, are not surprising. Their […]

Two shot and hospitalized on Friday

***image1***Two young men were hospitalized after being shot at the weekly demonstration against the Wall in Ni’lin. People were also wounded at protests in Bil’in, when soldiers fired on a crowd with a considerable number of children, and Ma’sara. In Jayyus soldiers clashed with youth and occupied the village until after midnight. Nearly a thousand […]

BDS Newsletter #13 – March 2009

BDS NEWSLETTER Edition: 12 – February, 2009 Highlights: March 30 and boycott impact Global day of action a success! On March 30, people across the world organized film screenings, sit-ins, demonstrations and new boycott campaigns on the first global BDS action day. Some highlights included South America, which is quickly taking up the BDS call, […]

‘Azzun fence destroys trees, isolates land

Occupation forces began constructing a fence on the northern side of ‘Azzun, east of Qalqilya. Soldiers sealed the area, where they began destroying trees for the path of the fence. The projected route cuts across agricultural roads and will block beleaguered farmers from utilizing their land. Construction on the fence began several weeks ago, when […]

Student shot with live bullets at Land Day protest

Friday saw the wrapping up of Land Day activities in the Bethlehem and Ramallah areas. This week villages joined together in protest, and one person shot with live ammunition. People gathered in Irtas to plant trees before joining the weekly Ma’sara demonstration. In Ni’lin and Bi’lin organizers finished out the week around Land Day with […]

List of Global Actions for March 30

List of Global Actions March 30: Palestinian Land Day celebrated as the First Global BDS Action Day ARGENTINA Buenos Aires, March 30: Commemoration of Land Day as a shared history of land confiscation in both Argentina and Palestine and film screenings organized by Ya Basta! association. AUSTRALIA Melbourne, March 28: “Dump Connex” Campaign action. Also, […]