List of Global Actions June 9/10

Global mobilization June 9/10: The World Says No To Israeli Occupation! Short overview of major actions planned around the globe: (To add your action to the list, please write to Palestine: Place: Ramallah Location: Al Manara Square Date: June 5 Time: 10:30am Type of Activity: Demonstration and rally with speeches Place: Jerusalem Location: Ambassador […]

Al Aqaba To Be Turned Into A Ghetto

The village of al Aqaba in the Jordan Valley and the Bedouin families connected with it are to be confined on less than 0.1 percent of their original lands. Six homes have been given demolition orders and the villagers have been handed out a plan that allows them to reside on not more than 20 […]

Protests against the Wall continue at Um Salamuna

At noon on Friday May 11, the people from Um Salamuna (West Bethlehem) supported by students from Al-Quds Open University confronted Occupation Forces on the construction site of the Apartheid Wall which is destroying and confiscating their lands. ***image2***Assembling at the top of the valley overlooking the path of the wall, some 70 people marched […]