Palestinian Health Institutions Call for Boycott of Israel Medical Association

***image2***Palestinian medical institutions have issued a call to boycott the Israeli Medical Association (IMA) strengthening the Palestinian calls for boycott, divestment and sanctions to isolate Apartheid Israel. 19 Palestinian health organizations have co-authored an appeal that accuses the IMA of complicity with the occupation and crimes and violations of its own, and international, codes of […]

Land theft continues to destroy lives in Jenin district

Occupation forces have distributed military confiscation orders in Faqu’a Zabda, Yabat and Barta’a village, northern Jenin district. ***image2***150 dunum of land has been confiscated alone in Faqu’a, north east of the district capital. The land is located east of the Apartheid Wall that has been encroaching on the village’s land since 2004,, its path passing […]