Brazilian movements establish Solidarity Committee and score first victory against Free Trade with Apartheid Israel

As Apartheid Israel’s crimes are escalating in Palestine and Lebanon, Brazilian solidarity activists have geared up to raise awareness, rally support and create the organizational structures for sustained solidarity against the Zionist regime. Some 80 civil society organizations and movements have gathered in São Paulo to form the “Committee for Solidarity with the Arab Peoples”. […]

Fresh Settler Road in Bethlehem to be Built from stolen Palestinian Land

***image2***Walls, settlements and apartheid by-pass roads. Security zones, checkpoints and military camps. For the past 58 years, the Occupation has built-up such infrastructure throughout Palestine. A lot of “reasons” have been deployed by the Occupation Forces to justify their actions, but they have all been motivated by the same aim: land theft. The resulting ghettoization […]

An incomplete list of Protests around the world:

Tuesday July 18, 2006 • Canada, Montreal – (5:00PM) ORCHESTER SQUARE, 1155 METCALFE • Canada, Toronto – (5:00PM) Yonge St & Dundas St (Dundas Square across Eaton Center) • Germany, Stuttgart – (6 PM) Schlossplatz in Stuttgart (downtown) • Qatar, Doha – (8:30 PM) Lebanese School of Doha • UAE, Abu Dhabi (7:00PM) in front […]

The Fifth Day of the AggressionCircular of the Political Bureau of the Lebanese Communist Party on Current Developments for Party Organizations and Friends

Since the start of the aggression, our party has defined its position and stance as being at the head of those opposing with all possible means the aggression and the expected invasion. This aggression is a part of the Zionist-American plan for the region and is furthermore an act of aggression undertaken with international permission […]