The Wall in a Week – Occupation Bolsters Expansion on Destroyed Palestinian Lives

The Occupation intensified its violent and racist policies this week against Palestinians in their villages and cities, concentrating on the schemes to exterminate Palestinian existence. The Occupation has launched a huge campaign to demolish Palestinian houses under the claim of having “no permits”, a technical tool used to expel Palestinians from their lands to annex, […]

Al-Walaja: Al-Nakba continues

In al-Walaja village, west Bethlehem, people live in conditions evoking the Nakba (catastrophe) of 1948 that saw the ethnic cleansing of most of Palestine. Their existence is denied by Occupation Forces who continuously demolish houses and use force to expel Palestinians from their land and property. The recent acts of destruction were carried out by […]

Palestinian NO to the WTO and call for Boycott Apartheid Israel in Hong Kong

The Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign emphasized “No to the WTO” during the protests held in Hong Kong as the finance institution met. Highlighting the position of Palestinian farmers and rural workers, as well as the appeal for boycotts against Israeli Apartheid, the campaign successfully raised awareness amongst Asian activists regarding the Zionist project of ghettoization. […]