As Palestinians Remember the dead of Sabra & Shatila, The UN Rewards Israeli War Criminal Ariel Sharon!

As Palestinians Remember the dead of Sabra & Shatila, The UN Rewards Israeli WarCriminal Ariel Sharon! As Palestinians and the world remembers the 23rd anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres, committed on 17th-19th of September 1982, the 60th UN General Assembly will host Apartheid Israel’s Prime Minister and arch war criminal. Ariel Sharon is […]

The flames of popular resistance in Eizarya against the Apartheid Wall

***image2***As part of continues popular resistance against the Zionist colonial project – currently reflected in the construction of the Apartheid Wall, the local committee of Eizarya started a series of activities with a mass demonstration. Hundreds from the village, joined by many Palestinian representatives of local organization and factions, together with NGOs marched to the […]