The Wall Prepares to Swallow the Land of Sammu and Dhahriya ***image2***Occupation Forces have issued confiscation orders in the villages of Sammu and Dhahriya in the far south of Hebron district, in order to carry out the latest phase of the Apartheid Wall, as laid out in the new February Wall Plan. According to sources […]

Al-Walaja Villagers Pledge Steadfastness to Lands

***image2***Palestinians from the village of Al-Walaja, set to see their lands, livelihoods and futures decimated by the Apartheid Wall, gathered to mark the finale of Land Week and assert their resistance to the colonization project of the Occupation Forces. Around 200 villagers came together on Saturday April 9th to mark the culmination of a week […]

Occupation Forces and Resistance Clash in Bil’in as Apartheid Wall Continues Its Path of Destruction

***image2***A demonstration against the devastation caused by the Apartheid Wall was once again met by violence as Occupation forces unleashed tear gas and a flurry of brutality against the villagers of Bil’in, in the west of Ramallah district. Bil’in, and the neighboring village of Saffa, will soon be surrounded by the Apartheid Wall, with up […]