Building of the Apartheid Wall Continues in Budrus, as does the Popular Resistance

***image2***Occupation Forces are continuing to build and destroy for the Apartheid Wall in Budrus village, situated in northwest Ramallah District, currently laying the groundwork in various parts of the village’s west side, while in the south continuing the area’s ruin as of last month’s commencement in those parts. The popular resistance in Budrus continues despite […]

1000 Demonstrate in the Streets of Cologne (Germany): Tear Down the Apartheid Wall! Stop the Occupation in Palestine and Iraq!

***image2*** Saturday 25th, in six different cities in Germany, rallies and demonstrations were held on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the al-Aqsa Intifada, calling for an end to the Apartheid Wall and the Occupation in Palestine and Iraq. The National Day of Action was taken up following the call by the Mumbai Resistance […]