Demonstration in Switzerland Against Caterpillar and it’s Role in Building the Apartheid Wall

***image1***On May 25, the group Collectif Urgence Palestine held a demonstration at a Caterpillar plant in Geneva to demand that Caterpillar stop supplying Israel with militarized bulldozers. The group also demanded an end to the collusion of the Swiss government with Israel, by stopping arms sales and suspending all economic ties with Israel. The statement […]

Demonstration in Switzerland Against Caterpillar and it’s Role in Building the Apartheid Wall

***image1***On May 25, the group Collectif Urgence Palestine held a demonstration at a Caterpillar plant in Geneva to demand that Caterpillar stop supplying Israel with militarized bulldozers. The group also demanded an end to the collusion of the Swiss government with Israel, by stopping arms sales and suspending all economic ties with Israel. The statement […]