A reality check for the Paris initiative

The Paris initiative aims to restart negotiations for a two-state solution. But so far peace plans have only helped Israel take more Palestinian land. The Israeli Bantustanization project is an attempt to reduce the areas accessible to Palestinians to fragmented cantons – or Bantustans – and annex the remaining land and natural resources, using the […]

354 European human rights organisations, church groups, trade unions and political parties call on the EU to support their right to boycott

Press Release: May 18th More than 300 human rights and aid organisations, church groups, trade unions and political parties from across Europe have called on the EU to uphold its legal responsibilities and hold Israel accountable for its violations of international law and to defend the right of individuals and institutions to take part in […]

May 1 message by the New Unions (PFNTU)

To workers every were in this world, To all trade unions representing the workers and leading the workers struggle for their rights, In this day, the day of labour struggle and internationalism of the working class against class oppression and exploitation and all forms of racism and racial discrimination, the Palestinian New Federation of Trade […]

After BDS pressure, Brazilian province cancels cooperation agreement with Israel’s Mekorot

The Brazilian state of Bahia decided on April 2 to end its cooperation agreement with Israeli water company Mekorot. The decision comes after pressure from campaigners from the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which works to end Brazilian complicity with Israel’s violations of international law. Civil society campaigners and social movements denounced in various […]

World Water Day: Palestine calls to end complicity with Israeli water apartheid

As part of the calls for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions on Israel, Palestinian organizations and municipalities urge governments and public institutions to end cooperation with the Israeli state-owned water company Mekorot. This year, movements in Bahia, in the northeast of Brazil, have joined in the struggle against these dirty deals demanding their state water companies […]