Continued Expulsion and Land Confiscation in the North

Map of Affected Locality:***image1*** With the completion of the Apartheid Wall in Qalqiliya district, Occupation forces have been using many different policies towards confiscating lands which have been isolated behind the Wall. One of the main strategies has been the establishment of the gates and permit system, and declaring the lands behind the Wall as […]

Continued Expulsion and Land Confiscation in the North

Map of Affected Locality:***image1*** With the completion of the Apartheid Wall in Qalqiliya district, Occupation forces have been using many different policies towards confiscating lands which have been isolated behind the Wall. One of the main strategies has been the establishment of the gates and permit system, and declaring the lands behind the Wall as […]

Continued Expulsion and Land Confiscation in the North

Map of Affected Locality:***image1*** With the completion of the Apartheid Wall in Qalqiliya district, Occupation forces have been using many different policies towards confiscating lands which have been isolated behind the Wall. One of the main strategies has been the establishment of the gates and permit system, and declaring the lands behind the Wall as […]

Continued Expulsion and Land Confiscation in the North

Map of Affected Locality:***image1*** With the completion of the Apartheid Wall in Qalqiliya district, Occupation forces have been using many different policies towards confiscating lands which have been isolated behind the Wall. One of the main strategies has been the establishment of the gates and permit system, and declaring the lands behind the Wall as […]

Endless Confiscation and Displacement in Qattana

***image1***Six houses are currently threatened with demolition and almost 50 people are facing displacement in Qattana, North West Jerusalem. The six houses are located to the south of the village. The owners of the houses all acquired proper building licenses from the Occupation administration in 1978. In 1982, the Occupation forces undertook a land survey […]

Endless Confiscation and Displacement in Qattana

***image1***Six houses are currently threatened with demolition and almost 50 people are facing displacement in Qattana, North West Jerusalem. The six houses are located to the south of the village. The owners of the houses all acquired proper building licenses from the Occupation administration in 1978. In 1982, the Occupation forces undertook a land survey […]