Weekly Demonstrations: 15/4/13

Al-Ma’sara: Israeli occupation forces suppressed the weekly march against the separation wall in Ma’sara. The IOF intercepted the march and attacked demonstrators, beating them, preventing them from reaching the wall and injuring a number of them. Beit Ummar: Three demonstrators were hit by rubber-coated metal bullets fired by the IOF at the entrance to the […]

Violent settler attack in Silwad

On Thursday (11/4/13) Israeli settlers attacked a 60 year old man as he worked on his land near Ramallah. The settlers beat Ahmad al-Zir, who used to be a Palestinian judge, round the head with an iron rod until he lost consciousness and was taken to Ramallah Government Hospital. This assault sparked clashes between Palestinians […]

Anonymous hackers unite to attack Israeli websites in solidarity with Palestine

Last week the hacking group Anonymous launched a cyber-attack campaign dubbed #OpIsrael replacing Israeli homepage messages with anti-Israel slogans and causing massive disruption to government, academic and private sites. The attach reached its peak on Sunday with high-profile government systems such as the Foreign Ministry, the Bank of Jerusalem, the Israeli Occupation Ministry, the IOF […]

Stop Israeli illegal settlement highway in Jerusalem

  Urgent Appeal for Action             6 April 2013   Stop Israeli construction of a new illegal settlement highway in occupied Palestinian territory Halt Israeli destruction and forcible displacement of the Palestinian community of Beit Safafa in occupied East Jerusalem   A public appeal by the Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem submitted to […]

Further suppression of demonstrations by the occupation

The Occupation suppresses the weekly demonstrations against the wall and settlements and demonstrations condemning the martyrdom of captive Maisara Abu Hamdiyeh Events on Friday 5th April Hebron: Occupation Forces used tear gas and water cannons to suppress the weekly demonstration demanding freedom of movement in Hebron and the re-opening of the street connecting the city […]