West Bank villages mark Prisoners Day

This week’s protests were dedicated to the fate of the almost 7 thousand Palestinian prisoners and in particular the prisoners of the popular resistance. In particular, protestors called for the liberation of Nael and Fakhri Barghouti, both since more than 30 years in Israeli prisons. In Bil’in the protestors carried Palestinian flags, and pictures of […]

West Bank villages mark Land Day

Protests along the Wall this Friday have marked Land Day, the commemoration of the killing of six Palestinians in 1976 by Israeli forces during protests against large scale land confiscation in the Galilee. This year the calls insisted on the need for continued resistance and unity – not only between the political factions but as […]

Weekly Anti-Wall Protest Update – March 25

Al Nabi Saleh: Arrests and injuries as Occupation forces continue to repress resistance Occupation forces opened fire with tear gas and metal-coated rubber bullets on protestors today in al Nabi Saleh, injuring several demonstrators, in addition to arresting more than a dozen. Soldiers took over the roofs of several homes, as well as the village […]

Land Day actions in the West Bank

The popular committees with the Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign will commemorate Land Day on March 30, which is marked internationally as a global BDS day. The following activities will be held for Land Day in all districts of the West Bank from March 23 – April 05. Nablus district – Boycott actions – Television […]

Biweekly Repression Update

Stop the Wall repression update: Mar. 10 – Mar. 24 Part II: Analysis From March 10 – March 24, Occupation forces continued their attack on the leadership of the popular resistance in al Nabi Saleh. Basem Tamimi, who was arrested on March 24, is the second protest organizer to be arrested this month. Occupation forces […]

LSE Boycotts Israeli Company – Eden Springs

Eden Springs, a major water supply company will not have its contract renewed by the London School of Economics. This development comes off the back of a lengthy, high profile and controversial campaign launched by the LSE Students’ Union Palestine Society, which has drawn attention to Eden Springs’ odious business dealings in the Illegally Occupied […]

University of Johannesburg Makes History: UJ Senate Decides to Sever Links with Israeli Apartheid

The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), representing a wide spectrum in the Palestinian academy, salutes our South African colleagues at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) for their principled support for the cause of justice in Palestine by upholding the 29 September 2010 UJ Senate resolution to sever its links […]