Tulkarem: Sit-in at the gate of Wadi al-Rasha

Last Saturday, the Stop the Wall Campaign in Qalqiliya governorate organized a sit-in at the gate of Wadi al-Rasha. A large number of farmers from the village participated in this demonstration. They chanted slogans denouncing the wall and the Israeli Occupation Forces who stop these farmers from reaching their land by refusing to open the […]

Ni’lin: protestors brave occupation forces despite hot weather and Ramadan fast

Israeli Occupation Forces charged at protesters in Nil’in today with a barrage of tear gas canisters. Many collapsed as a result. Immediately after, the military opened the gate through the Wall, chasing the demostrators in order to arrest them. Villagers and international solidarity activists successfully resisted arrest despite the hot weather and the Ramadan fast. […]

Ni’lin: protestors brave occupation forces despite hot weather and Ramadan fast

Israeli Occupation Forces charged at protesters in Nil’in today with a barrage of tear gas canisters. Many collapsed as a result. Immediately after, the military opened the gate through the Wall, chasing the demostrators in order to arrest them. Villagers and international solidarity activists successfully resisted arrest despite the hot weather and the Ramadan fast. […]