Dozens of Suffocation Cases Caused By Occupation Suppression of the Nilin Village Weekly Protest
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Dozens of Suffocation Cases Caused By Occupation Suppression of the Nilin Village Weekly Protest

The villagers of Nilin had conducted Friday prayers on their land near the Apartheid Wall. During the sermon, Murad Amira Al-Khatib mentioned the need to close ranks in the face of Occupation and called for the expeditious implementation of the reconciliation agreement.

After finishing the prayer, dozens of citizens and foreign peace activists marched peacefully, waving Palestinian flags and chanting against the occupation and its crimes, in particular, the siege on the Gaza Strip since late on the previous night.

When the march arrived at the gate of the Wall the Occupation soldiers fired tear gas towards protesters, suffocating dozens of them due to inhalation of tear gas.

Ahed Khawaja, the coordinator of the Popular Campaign, has confirmed that the march came to condemn the crimes of the Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Territories and in particular the bombings in the Gaza Strip since Thursday. All stood in solidarity with the martyrs who were killed in the bombings. He also confirmed that the marches continued despite all measures of occupation repression against the citizens.