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Two international activists arrested and five injured at Ma’sara demonstration

“Stop the killing! Stop the hate!” “No good morning, no goodnight, occupation we will fight!” “Viva! Viva! Palestina!” These are just a few slogans chanted by activists in the anti-Wall demonstration in Ma’sara on August 27, 2010. As every Friday, Palestinians with support of international solidarity activists gathered to protest the construction of the wall […]

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Two international activists arrested and five injured at Ma’sara demonstration

“Stop the killing! Stop the hate!” “No good morning, no goodnight, occupation we will fight!” “Viva! Viva! Palestina!” These are just a few slogans chanted by activists in the anti-Wall demonstration in Ma’sara on August 27, 2010. As every Friday, Palestinians with support of international solidarity activists gathered to protest the construction of the wall […]

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4 citizens wounded in the weekly protest in Bil`in

Yesterday, marking the ninth anniversary of the assassination by Israel of the leader Abu Ali Mustafa, General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, four demonstrators were wounded at a protest in Bil’in. At the protest, organized by the Popular Committee against the Wall and the Settlements in Bil`in, was Martin Linton, […]

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4 citizens wounded in the weekly protest in Bil`in

Yesterday, marking the ninth anniversary of the assassination by Israel of the leader Abu Ali Mustafa, General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, four demonstrators were wounded at a protest in Bil’in. At the protest, organized by the Popular Committee against the Wall and the Settlements in Bil`in, was Martin Linton, […]