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Ni’lin march honours the martyrs and activists in the Freedom Flotilla

In the village of Ni’lin’s weekly protest, participants demonstrated their indignation of Israel’s occupation of Palestine, its military, and its continued aggression – last of which was the massacre onboard the Freedom Flotilla. During the June 4th, 2010 Ni’lin march, protestors raised Turkish flags as well as flags of the countries of origin of many […]

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Ni’lin march honours the martyrs and activists in the Freedom Flotilla

In the village of Ni’lin’s weekly protest, participants demonstrated their indignation of Israel’s occupation of Palestine, its military, and its continued aggression – last of which was the massacre onboard the Freedom Flotilla. During the June 4th, 2010 Ni’lin march, protestors raised Turkish flags as well as flags of the countries of origin of many […]

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Bil’in solidarity march with the Freedom Flotilla

On June 4th, 2010, Israeli Occupation forces raided a solidarity march featuring a model ship of the Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla in Bil’in, a village in the west of Ramallah district. The Israeli forces wounded seven activists and arrested another three. Among the wounded were three journalists. Many others suffered from asphyxiation as a result of […]