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Reclaiming threatened land in Artas

On December 23, Over 75 local and international activists descended on the town of Artas, to the south of Bethlehem, to reclaim land that has been threatened with confiscation by the Occupation authorities. In February of this year, Occupation authorities issued an order to confiscate over 1770 dunums of land belonging to the Palestinian Ministry […]

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Monday January 4 is date of Jamal’s court hearing. The gathering will be outside the court to remind Israeli authorities that we will not sit silently while they attempt to use trumped up charges and a discriminatory legal system to provide a cover for the blatant repression of those who are speaking out against the […]

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Another 12 days of arrest for Jamal Juma’

Today, 24 December, Jamal Jum`a underwent a hearing before a military judge at Moskobiyya Detention Center, in Jerusalem. Although Jamal’s interrogation over eight days apparently has finished, the judge granted the Israeli police and intelligence agency’s request to extend his detention for 12 more days of “investigation” before a scheduled second hearing. This morning, the […]

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Israel keeps Mohammad in detention

Mohammad’s administrative detention order expired on December 22, however, the judge decided to extend the order till 22 January 2010. The judicial review of this new administrative detention order will be held on December 28 at Ofer prison. Please continue to campaign for Mohammad: • Follow the blog and Facebook page to free Mohammad Othman […]

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Four more days of interrogation

Today, Jamal Juma’s first court hearing was held at the military court at the Russian Compound in Jerusalem. The military judge rejected the interrogators’ initial request to extend his detention period to 14 additional days. However, they did agree to a four day extension for interrogation purposes. Jamal is still prevented from accessing legal counsel. […]

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Why Occupation forces raided the Kan’an home

***image3***In the early hours of Wednesday morning, masked soldiers entered Ni’lin and made their way to the Kan’an house. They did not announce their intentions, but instead began wrecking the property. Windows were broken with stones, the family car was smashed, and furnishings were turned upside down. During the raid, soldiers screamed at the family […]