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Occupation forces raid Bil’in, kidnap youth

Soldiers stormed into the village of Bil’in at three in the morning on Tuesday. They conducted house to house searches and kidnapped fifteen-year-old Khalil Yassin and Kamil al-Katib, also fifteen. They also arrested Hassanain Mansour and Kefah Mansour, who were going to their isolated land, and brought them to an unknown location. Occupation forces systematically […]

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French activists protest Paris air show

***image2***A group of French activists from the BDS France campaign held a non- violent protest against the Israeli presence at the Paris – Le Bourget Air Show. Le Bourget Air Show is one of the largest weapons and aerospace technology fairs in the world. The protest took place outside the Israeli pavilion, where several Israeli […]

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Imbedded journalists in Ni’lin and Bil’in

***image1***This past Friday, the weekly demonstrations in Ni’lin and Bil’in were uncharacteristically quiet. Occupation forces in both locations did not prematurely attack the demonstrations, invade villages, or did they fire live ammunition and barrages of tear gas. Instead, in an attempt to create an image of restraint, soldiers invited Israeli journalists to report on protests […]

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Increased media coverage of al-Ma’sara actions

In al-Ma’sara last Friday a group of local Palestinian protestors were joined by Israeli and international activists in their weekly protest against the Wall and settlements. The demonstration, which was blocked from reaching village land by soldiers and barbed wire, lasted longer than usual and was covered by several large international media outlets. Standing at […]

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Israeli apartheid on trial in Canada

***image1***The village of Bil’in has taken its popular struggle into international courts, as preliminary hearings against two Canadian firms will begin today, June 22. The Quebec Superior Court will decide whether or not to hear the village’s case against Green Mount International and Green Park International, both of whom are involved in settlement construction on […]

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Caterpillar faces demonstrators in shareholders meeting

Protests marked Caterpillar Corporation’s annual shareholder’s meeting in Chicago on June 10th. A number of peace and Palestine solidarity groups gained access to the meeting itself through the purchase of corporate shares, while others rallied outside the building, educating passersby about the crimes Occupation forces are committing with Caterpillar equipment. A supporting protest was also […]

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Tehran drops Veolia from city transport network

***image1***Following pressure from BNC, the mayor of Tehran announced that Veolia would no longer have a key role in city’s urban transport system. This victory in Iran, along with others France, UK, Sweden, and Holland, has cost Veolia an estimated $7 billion in lost contracts and were key in pushing the company to leave the […]

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Veolia to leave Jerusalem rail project!

The global BDS movement has achieved a huge success in the past few days, as Veolia is reportedly abandoning its involvement in the Jerusalem Light Rail project. Reports from the press indicated that the French multinational – which was supposed to run the train system once it is completed, and also holds a 5% stake […]