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BDS Newsletter #11 – January 2009

BDS NEWSLETTER Edition: 11 – January, 2009 CORPORATE NEWS Veolia loses 3.5 billion The Stockholm community council in Sweden announced that the French company Veolia, which has been the current operator of the subways in Stockholm County for the past ten years, lost the contract to the MTR-cooperation. The contract for the coming eight years […]

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Indefinite curfew imposed on Jayyous

This evening, Occupation forces imposed an indefinite curfew on the village of Jayyous. Soldiers entered the village and began firing tear gas, sound bombs and rubber bullets at youth and into homes. Live bullets have also been used extensively. It is unclear as to why soldiers chose to storm the village at this particular time. […]

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Settlers bulldoze land in Yasuf

Last week under the watch of soldiers, settlers from Tappauh bulldozed tens of dunums of agricultural land belonging to the village of Yasuf. The land, which was closed to the villagers years ago, is likely to be used for the expansion of nearby settlements. ***image1***Yasuf is a small village located north east of Salfit. The […]

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Demonstrations against the Wall in Ma’sara, Bil’in and Ni’lin

Demonstrations against the Wall occurred this week in al-Ma’sara, Bil’in and Ni’lin. Despite the ongoing attacks from soldiers sent to control and suppress the demonstrations, villagers have shown no signs of abandoning weekly actions against the Wall. In Ma’sara, dozens of people marched from the village school to the Wall. Protestors carried Palestinian flags as […]