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BDS Newsletter #07 – September 2008

BDS NEWSLETTER Edition: 07 – September, 2008 CORPORATE NEWS Feature: Month of BDS actions in the UK The British-based Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) used the month of September as their Boycott Israeli Goods (BIG) Month of Action, as PSC supporters from over twenty towns created eye-catching and impact-achieving demonstrations. In order to support the demonstrations, […]

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Leviev boycott moves forward with action in the UK and NYC

Palestine solidarity organization Adalah-NY was recently involved in two actions against Lev Leviev, the Israeli diamond magnate and construction mogul. The first action called on the British government to reverse its plan to rent its new embassy in Tel Aviv from Leviev’s company, Africa-Israel, as dealings with Leviev serve to condone the Occupation’s settlement construction […]

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Month of action as PSC UK re-launches boycott campaign

The British-based Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) used the month of September as their Boycott Israeli Goods (BIG) Month of Action, as PSC supporters from over twenty towns created eye-catching and impact-achieving demonstrations. In order to support the demonstrations, the PSC also held meetings and film-screenings as a means of spreading their message about the BDS […]

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Settlers burn 45 dunums of land in Far’ata

A group of settlers set fire to land belonging to residents of the village Far’ata, located east of Nablus, with flames consuming 45 dunums of village agricultural land. ***image3***On 19 September, a fire was started in the northeast part of village land, meters from the Zohar Gilad settlement. Farmers had prepared crops of barely and […]

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Arrests and attacks continue in Ni’lin

Ahad al-Khawaja, coordinator of the Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign in Ni’lin, was injured when a sound grenade fired by Occupation troops struck him in the face. The Occupation military has also increased its campaign of arrests, with 6 youth arrested since last Thursday. On 23 September, Khawaja had been leading the EU delegation on […]