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A statement of Solidarity from South Africa: We fought apartheid; we see no reason to celebrate it in Israel now!

The following is a statement from South Africa, supported by a wide range of voices and institutions, condemning the celebration of Occupation apartheid: We fought apartheid; we see no reason to celebrate it in Israel now! We, South Africans who faced the might of an unjust and brutal apartheid machinery in South Africa and fought […]

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60 years of Al Nakba: Remembrance week in Venezuela

Across Venezuela, numerous activities in Caracas, Valencia, Barcelona, Barquisimeto, San Felipe de Yaracuy and other Venezuelan cities and towns marked the 60th anniversary of the Nakba. Events included photo exhibitions, public speeches, film screenings, poetry, street theater and a public Arab food fair. On May 14, at the National Assembly, there was a speech of […]

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New report: Development or Normalisation? A critique of West Bank development approaches and projects

With the Palestine Investment Conference (PIC) beginning tomorrow in Bethlehem and the celebrated reforms and development projects proposed last year by the Fayyad government, understanding development in Palestine is more important than ever. Both the PIC and the Fayyad development programs have already elicited severe criticism from Palestinian civil society, political opposition and local communities. […]

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London protest calls for Free Palestine

Thousands marched through London, sixty years after the Palestinian Nakba, to demand an end to the siege on Gaza, an end to Israeli occupation, and for the right of return of refugees. The demonstration, organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, British Muslim Initiative and the Palestinian Forum in Britain, was supported by trade unions UNISON, […]

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More demolition orders issued in al-Khadr

On 9 May, Occupation forces issued 5 demolition orders in the village of al-Khadr, west of Bethlehem. The orders threaten four homes as well as a large water tank that accounts for much of the village supply. If the homes are demolished, a total of 52 people will be affected. ***image2***The people of al-Khadr have […]

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The American University in Cairo senate calls for BDS

On 14 May, The American University in Cairo (AUC) decried Occupation policies targeting Palestinian students and called for the university to adopt certain aspects of the BDS. According to the AUC senate: “[…} Given the role of the Senate as a collective conscience of AUC, expressed in the many resolutions adopted over the years denouncing […]