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Expulsion project continues in Nazlat ‘Isa

On 16 April, Occupation forces distributed military orders requiring the demolition of 15 commercial and residential structures in Nazlat ‘Isa, north of Tulkarm. These structures, which are in varying stages of construction and situated 60 meters from the Apartheid Wall, are threatened on the pretext that they lack the proper building permits. The villagers, who […]

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BDS Newsletter #02 – March 2008

BDS Newsletter Edition: 02 – March, 2008 CORPORATE NEWS Campaign against Leviev The campaign against diamond tycoon Lev Leviev continues to move forward. Leviev initially was targeted by the Adalah-NY coalition for his involvement in funding Israeli settlement on Palestinian land in Jayyous, Bil’in and Jerusalem. Activists have engaged in awareness raising and have staged […]

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Land Day: What began in 1976 continues today

In 1976, Palestinians protested a massive expropriation of land in the Galilee region. In 2008 the protests continue to mark March 30th, while Occupation forces continue to occupy land and expand the settlements that creep across Palestine. These settlement practices, which are official Occupation policy, come at a time when the military is intensifying a […]

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Continuing demolitions: Hebron and Jerusalem under attack

Occupation forces demolished homes and property across the West Bank, with the Jerusalem and Hebron municipalities the most adversely affected. Homes were demolished in al-Jeeb in northwest Jerusalem and Hizma in the northeast, all under the pretext that they were built without permits. The Occupation municipality systematically refuses building permits to Palestinians in order to […]