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PA represses popular protest demanding Palestinian rights and against Annapolis

***All demonstrators arrested in the protests in Ramallah have been released.*** ***image2***200 demonstrators were arrested and 30 injured today in Ramallah when PA forces attempted to prevent demonstrations demanding that the PA fully uphold Palestinian national rights and against the Annapolis conference. The Palestinian Grassroots Anti Apartheid Wall Campaign has released a statement demanding the […]

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Palestinians unite in Declaration of Principles against Annapolis

The Palestinian Grassroots Anti Apartheid Wall Campaign has issued a joint declaration with representatives of civil society, refugees and Islamic and national forces, calling on the Palestinian Authority to boycott the Annapolis Conference. The declaration will be presented in a press conference in Ramallah on Sunday 25 November. A mass demonstration will take in place […]

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First Palestinian Conference for the Boycott of Israel (BDS)

First Palestinian Conference for the Boycott of Israel (BDS) 22 November 2007 Al-Bireh, Ramallah Summary Report “The Campaign for the Boycott of Israel will re-vitalize popular resistance and restore dignity to the Palestinian people” An important mile-stone in building the global BDS campaign was achieved in Ramallah on 22 November 2007. Some 300 activists, members […]

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Budrus village terrorised by Occupation forces

***image2***Occupation forces attacked the West Bank village of Budrus on Sunday, after they found a hole in the Apartheid Wall near the village. A unit of Occupation forces arrived in the morning and began shooting rounds of live ammunition between the houses and firing teargas. One youth, Khalaf Sudqi Khalaf, was injured by flying shrapnel […]

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New Yorkers target apartheid diamonds

A New York group has protested at the opening of a Leviev’s diamond store in the city because of the owner’s support of Israeli apartheid. ***image2***Adalah-NY have been calling for a boycott of Lev Leviev diamonds and a demonstration outside the Leviev jewelers on 13 November. The group states that the Lev Leviev Africa-Israel company […]

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“Mauritius must be part of this wave of solidarity and protest”

The Lalit party in Mauritius has joined forces with former President Cassam Uteem to urge the Mauritian government to join the growing movement against apartheid Israel. In a letter sent to the Mauritian Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam, they describe the Occupation’s abuses as having ‘reached the scale of genocide’, and call for diplomatic and economic […]

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Double disaster for Bethlehem family as the occupation destroys cousins’ homes

Occupation bulldozers have demolished two houses belonging to cousins in Al Uqban community, east Bethlehem, claiming that they do not have ‘planning permission’ from the Occupation. ***image2***The Occupation forces arrived with jeeps and bulldozers and imposed military closure of the area, before beginning the work of wrecking the houses of cousins Nasser Musa Tineh and […]