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Two years after the ICJ decision: Protests throughout West Bank against Apartheid Wall and Occupation war crimes in Gaza

***image2***Resistance against the Apartheid Wall continued two years after the ICJ ruled the structure illegal, as the popular Anti-Apartheid Wall committees organized a series of demonstrations across the West Bank. Palestinians challenged the Occupation, and denounced its onslaught against people besieged in Gaza, as the struggle against the racist Wall and Israeli Apartheid continued. Protests […]

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Worldwide actions to stop Occupation’s War Crimes strengthen Palestinian resistance on second anniversary of ICJ decision!

This year the 9th of July is a bitter day for Palestinians. The Occupation Army besieges Gaza, massacres its people and attacks its infrastructure. The ghettos of the West Bank take shape as the Apartheid Wall edges closer to completion and the Palestinian exodus from Jerusalem has begun. Over 9000 Palestinians rot in Israeli prison […]

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Swiss activists stop international conference featuring official from Apartheid Israel

As part of the campaign to isolate Apartheid Israel, Swiss activists have successfully stopped the “First International Convention on Public Security” from taking place on the 29th of June in Paudex. They staged protests and lobbied against the conference after learning that the event featured amongst the speakers Dani Arditi, ex-general of the Occupation Army […]

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Chilean Politicians Demand Recall of Chilean Ambassador from Tel Aviv as the Occupation Continues Aggression

Out of a press conference hosted by the Palestinian Embassy in Chile, Chilean parliamentarians and politicians of all backgrounds have united to request the recall of the Chilean Ambassador from Tel Aviv as a reaction to the Occupation’s latest war crimes. The press conference held on Friday, 30th of June in Santiago was attended by […]

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Popular committees continue to resist Occupation aggression with protests across West Bank

***image2***From the south to the north of the West Bank, popular committees against the Apartheid Wall staged demonstrations against their ghettoization and the latest Occupation attacks on Gaza. On Friday 31 June, demonstrations were joined by marches organized by the National and Islamic Forces. They united to condemn the Occupation policies and arrests of important […]

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Migration World Social Forum in Spain condemns Israeli Apartheid and calls for Right of Return

From the 22nd to the 24th of June, the 2nd Migration World Social Forum (WSF) was held in Rivas Vaciamadrid in Spain. Representatives of 1193 organizations from 84 countries all over the world participated in the discussions and activities. There was three days of presentations and discussions around various issues in seminars and classes organised […]