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New Violent Demolition in South Hebron Hills

29, June 2016.Israel carries forward its ethnic cleansing and displacement policies, by targeting Palestinian communities in the South Hebron Hills. New demolitions in the village of Wadi Jheish, led to the destruction of two houses, leaving two families, comprised by 20 people, homeless. Those who tried to remain in the house to prevent the demolition, were harshly beaten […]

Posted inIn Solidarity

A Perspective on Israel’s Arms Trade

Reposting the article by Andrew, 8th June 2016, from War's resisterer international During her time working as an intern at War Resisters' International, Taya Govreen-Segal, a consceintious objector, delivered a talk to the “Britain and Palestine: Past History and Future Role” conference, held at Sarum College, Salisbury, UK, on 13th February. Below is a transcript, […]

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Palestinian Ramadan Boycott campaign

Break your fast, break your ties to the occupation In 2005 the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israeli apartheid, occupation and colonialism started with a call by Palestinian civil society. The initiative is based on the understanding that once the profits Israeli economy reaps from the occupation, a new process of resistance and […]

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A reality check for the Paris initiative

The Paris initiative aims to restart negotiations for a two-state solution. But so far peace plans have only helped Israel take more Palestinian land. The Israeli Bantustanization project is an attempt to reduce the areas accessible to Palestinians to fragmented cantons – or Bantustans – and annex the remaining land and natural resources, using the […]