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#SaveJerusalem: We Can’t Stop Now!

Palestinian communities living in Silwan, Sheikh Jarrah and the Old City face increasingly brutal Israeli practices of ethnic cleansing and its discriminatory legal system. Stop the Wall has released a new web-page highlighting how the Israeli ethnic cleansing scheme in Jerusalem impacts the families living in these areas and how people’s power to resist Israeli […]

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Anti-PA protests met with more violence

Yesterday, thousands of Palestinians took to the streets of Hebron, Ramallah and Bethlehem calling for the overthrow of the Palestinian Authority and the cancelation of the Oslo Accords signed with Israel in 1993, including the security coordination with the Israeli military. These protests erupted after the brutal murder of political activist Nizar Banat by some […]

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Beita: A fortress of sumud in the face of Israeli land seizure and brutality

Since months, Palestinians across Historic Palestine have been rising up against decades of Israeli settler colonialism and apartheid. In the village of Beita, south of Nablus city, Palestinians have not only been protesting decades of Israeli oppression, but also intensified Israeli pillaging of their land. The ongoing protests since over a month come as a […]

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Palestinians of Silwan: The unwanted owners of the land

“My family which consists of twenty-one members has two houses in Al-Bustan, and another one in Batn AlHawa neighborhoods of Silwan in Jerusalem. In these three houses our existence is threatened with Israeli ethnic cleansing. While the Israeli authorities want to demolish our two houses in Al-Bustan under the pretext that they were built without […]

Posted inFrom PalestineFrom PalestineFrom PalestineSem categoria

#PalestineIntifada: Youth rattling Israeli apartheid

What first began as a daily protest in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem against Israeli imminent ethnic cleansing of six Palestinian families there and Ramadan protests at Damascus Gate and Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem spontaneously spread to the rest of Historic Palestine and has grown to become a massive uprising. This is not a popular […]

Posted inIn Solidarity

#Nakba73 Events across the globe

We have compiled a list of events that have been organized across the globe to mark the 73rd anniversary of the Nakba and to build pressure stop the brutal aggression and escalation of repression against the Palestinian people. All over the world, people are standing up inspired by and in support of the Palestinian steadfastness […]

Posted inFrom PalestineNewsNews

Stop the Wall on Instagram!

We have just activated our Instagram account in order to ensure we can share with you on yet another channel the news from the ground and around the world as we are fighting yet another escalation of Israel’s regime of apartheid, occupation and settler colonialsim. People in Palestine are standing the ground – please join […]

Posted inCalls / StatementsCalls / Statements

Palestinians calling from Gaza to Jerusalem: All out on Saturday May 15th End the Ongoing Nakba and the Massacre in Besieged Gaza

Take to the streets on Saturday May 15th with a united demand for sanctions and arms embargo on Israel. We Palestinians are facing yet another massacre in besieged Gaza, resisting ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley and rising against oppression in our cities in Historic Palestine. Israel’s military and policing arsenal, is raining […]