Apartheid Wall destroys Beit Surik’s Lands

***image2***Occupation Forces have started destroying lands in Beit Surik village northwest of Jerusalem for the Apartheid Wall. The Occupation bulldozers began razing lands in the northwestern part of the village on the 26th of February next to the settlement of Haradar. Haradar was built on 1500 dunums of land stolen from the village in 1980. […]

The Israeli High Court rules out 30 km of the Apartheid WallWhat about the other 730 Kms?

Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign info@stopthewall.org — www.stopthewall.org On June 30th. the Occupation's High Court ruled against 30 kms of the Wall’s path that is to be built in 7 villages Northwest Jerusalem, demanding that the Occupation Military propose new maps that will be based on "the proper balance between security and humanitarian considerations…" The Court sought […]

The Israeli High Court rules out 30 km of the Apartheid WallWhat about the other 730 Kms?

Contact: Jamal Juma’: +972-52-285-610; Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign: +972-265-65-890; info@stopthewall.org — www.stopthewall.org On June 30th. the Occupation’s High Court ruled against 30 kms of the Wall’s path that is to be built in 7 villages Northwest Jerusalem, demanding that the Occupation Military propose new maps that will be based on “the proper balance between security and […]