Barcelona and Valencia Join in Resistance to the Apartheid Wall
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Barcelona and Valencia Join in Resistance to the Apartheid Wall

In Barcelona and Valencia protests erupted on November 9th for the Palestinian National and International Day of Action against the Israeli Apartheid Wall.

***image2***To publicize the oppressive and racist Wall, organizers in both cities constructed huge representations of the Wall, to ensure that passers-by could not close their eyes to the injustice taking place in Palestine. The Walls were then covered with educational and compelling material through painting, images, data, maps, photos and powerful placards/slogans such as “Derribemos todos los muros” (“We Knock Down All the Walls”). The day saw the destruction of both Walls, as demonstrators tore the replicas to the ground in fierce acts of solidarity and resistance.

In Valencia, activists also carried out street performance in a symbolic enactment of life for Palestinians in the face of the Apartheid Wall. At both demonstrations, speakers rallied people to find out more about the Apartheid Wall and the reality of Occupation. Educational resources were available to demonstrators and passers-by as the day also served as an important tool for ongoing mobilization.

Together, the Barcelona event, held in la plaza de Saint Jaume de Barcelona, and the Valencia event, in Plaza la Virgen, brought several hundred people out in protest of the Israeli Apartheid Wall and the oppressive Occupation of Palestine.


Similar protest also took place in Madrid