Palestine in Revolt. News Report 19th October 2015
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Palestine in Revolt. News Report 19th October 2015

News Bulletin of the events from the 19th October 2015

1. Deaths: Hoda Mohamed Darwish, 65-years-old, died after inhaling tear gas that was fired by the Israeli forces at Al-Mansoob checkpoint at the eastern entrance to the town of Al-Esaweh in Jerusalem and then being denied access to the hospital by Israeli forces.

2. Injuries: 195 civilians injured in the West Bank, 2 from live ammunition, 37 with rubber coated metal bullets, 136 cases of suffocation from tear gas and 20 injuries by beating.

3. Arrests: 28 were arrested from Jerusalem, Hebron, Bethlehem, Ramallah, Qalqilya and Nablus.

4. Confrontations: Confrontations with the Israeli forces started in the afternoon and continued until midnight in more than 20 areas in the West Bank and Gaza strip. The confrontations included throwing stones and Molotov cocktails in: Abu Dis , Al-Esaweh , AL- mokaber mountain , Shofaat , Silwan , the borders of Al-khdori , Eizbat Al-jraad , Nablus , Tkuo , the borders of BietEil settlement , Al-Nabisaleh , the neighborhood of Al-Nakarh and the northen neighborhood in Qalqilya , the borders of Kiryat Arba settlement , Al-kasarh , BietAmr, Ras El-Jora.

5. The isolation of Jerusalem neighborhoods: 

The Israeli Forces executed a plan to isolate Al-Esaweh in the middle of Jerusalem from the rest of Jerusalem neighborhoods by surrounding it with concrete blocks and walls and barbed wire.  The plan seeks to separate the town of SoorBaher and the neighborhood of Jabal al-Mokaber. North of Jerusalem, the same thing was done to separate the settlement of Aron Hantsef, built on the land of Jabal al-Mokaber, and the town of Jabal al-Mokaber. The Israeli forces erected a checkpoint using concrete blocks near the settlement of Kiryat Arba in Hebron.

6. The targeting of medical crews: the Israeli forces continued to target medical crews. The crew of the Red Crescent kept getting harassed by the Israeli Forces in Jerusalem at the checkpoint near a clinic. They are searched every time they leave the clinic, including a body search.

7. Settler assaults: continuing daily assaults by settlers on Palestinian farmers and civilians near the main roads and entrances of towns located near settlements. The assaults were as follows:

Last night a group of extreme settlers rained stones and glass bottles down on a Palestinian house that belongs to Kaid Dana near the settlement of Kiryat Arba which sits the Palestinian lands in Hebron .

The group of Ateret Kohnem took over two Palestinian houses in the neighborhood of Btain Al-hawa in Silwan north of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The home belongs to the family of Abu-Nab, but was taken under the pretext of settler ownership of the houses. The Israeli Forces have closed the neighborhood with the help of the Israeli police and denied the press access to the area.

A group of settlers stormed the ground of Al-Aqsa mosque with heavy guard from the Israeli Forces.