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Norwegian Solidarity: Debating the BDS movement in Oslo

Norwegian solidarity continues to support the isolation of Apartheid Israel through various events. The latest important event was a meeting discussing the necessity for Academic and Cultural Boycott held in Oslo at the 29th of November. The need to hold intellectuals, academics and artists accountable is slowly growing within the solidarity movement globally. It still […]

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March on Washington to protest war and occupation!

This past year has seen a massive escalation in the destruction unleashed by the United States and Israel on the Middle East. In Palestine, Occupation forces have killed more than 600 Palestinians and injured many others. The Occupation also continues to show its contempt for international law and human rights by continuing the construction of […]

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People of Izbet al Tabib are threatened with expulsion and house demolition

***image2***Izbet al Tabib, east of Qalqilia has had its application to build houses for its 217 inhabitants denied yet again. The Occupation forces all Palestinians within the West Bank area demarcated as “C zone” by the Oslo process to apply for building permits, which are regularly denied. The “C zone” overlaps in large parts with […]

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Apartheid Road grows and farmers lose more land

In Yatta in the south of Hebron, occupation bulldozers have begun expanding a 1km long settler only road that has been under construction since 2001. The expansion of this road will confiscate more Palestinian land and serve to further isolate farmers from their lands. Palestinian farmers are not permitted to use the road or any […]

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South Africans Urge the Recall of the Ambassador From Tel Aviv and Sanctions Against Israel

At a press conference held on the 18th of December in South Africa the Palestine Solidarity Committee, COSATU (the Congress of South African Trade Unions representing 1.2 million workers) and the South African Council of Churches called on the South African government to recall the ambassador to Israel and to implement sanctions against Israel. Speakers […]

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Christmas against the Apartheid Wall

Each year before Christmas, believers and activists alike take the occasion to raise awareness about the occupation of Palestine, in particular its devastating effects on Bethlehem. ***image1***This year, the Sacred Heart Catholic church in St Ives, UK, has cancelled its famous Christmas ”Live Crib” event. Instead of actors reenacting Christmas night, a life-size replica of […]