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Activists in Istambul protest the Apartheid Wall

Activists from the Istanbul branch of Mazlumder, a nation-wide Human Rights and solidarity organization, have called for a demonstration in the city center protesting against the Apartheid Wall. People of all ages gathered holding banners and torches and listened to speakers who addressed the demonstrators. Below is the full text of the declaration released by […]

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Solidarity from Latin America to the Palestinian struggle and the Arab people

A solidarity meeting in Havana, Cuba, witnessed the gathering of political organizations from all over Latin America on November 15th. The participants have passed a resolution referring specifically to the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in Beit Hanoun. More generally, it has reiterated the support of the Latin American left to the struggle of […]

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Zionist attacks mark the Palestinian struggle for the olive harvest

Every year the olive season brings with it an atmosphere of happiness and optimism to Palestinian farmers. And every year since its inception the Occupation replaces this atmosphere with one of depression and anger. Each year becomes progressively worse, bringing with it renewed attacks from settler gangs and the confiscation and isolation of thousands of […]

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II German National Conference against the Wall calls civil society to take up BDS

***image2***On Saturday, the 18th of November, the II National Conference against the Wall in Palestine was held in Berlin. Some 200 activists and interested individuals have gathered to hear the contributions of Palestinian, Israeli and European activists. Fathy Khdirat, coordinator for the Jordan Valley of the Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, presented the myriad of ways […]

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Students activism in the US continues to expose Israeli Apartheid!

***image2***At Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ, in order to mark the International Week of Action Against the Apartheid Wall, New Jersey Solidarity – Activists for the Liberation of Palestine erected a mock wall at Brower Commons on Wednesday, November 15. The informational display was part of the awareness raising efforts of the solidarity activists […]

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Iceland block Apartheid Israel’s ambassador

The Association Iceland – Palestine has joined in the Week against the Apartheid Wall with a campaign geared toward raising awareness about the Wall and calling for an end to the massacre in Gaza. A successful demonstration against the presence of the Occupation’s ambassador in Iceland has been the highlight of the activities. ***image1***The demonstration […]

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Scottish PSC blocks visit of Apartheid Israel’s ambassador

The Apartheid Israel´s Ambassador Zvi Hefetz has cancelled his first planned visit to Scotland in the face of planned protests by many who are outraged at Israel’s ongoing murder of hundreds of Palestinians in Gaza and the West bank. The Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign has called for protests in front of the meeting where the […]