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Isolate Israel – Campaign for justice!

Early May 2005 Stop the Wall Campaign published an article on its website entitled ‘Challenging Tramways of Apartheid – Swiss activists block Connex shuttle run’. The article evoked the memories of campaigns to isolate apartheid South Africa. Research Connex is owned by the French company Veolia . A Dutch bank rooted in ethical principales, that […]

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Apartheid Wall Construction Sites the target of popular protests as Palestinians unite

***image2***On Friday June 24, Popular Committees against the Apartheid Wall united with Palestinian political forces to continue the struggle against the Wall in a number of demonstrations across the West Bank. Hundreds of people marched to their lands, challenging the Occupation Forces carrying out the Zionist policies of racist expansionism. Protesters also vented their outrage […]

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Settlement expansion on Masha lands – a Zionist tool to consolidate land theft

***image2***Elkana settlement has taken over Masha lands in the east of Salfit district since the 1970’s. New expansion plans will swallow further village land isolated behind the Apartheid Wall. While the gates and the wall are barring farmers from reaching their lands, settlement construction destroys their plantations. Villagers learned about the new settlement expansion on […]

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Italy shows growing sign of support for BDS Call

***image2***Fathy Khdirat, coordinator of the Palestinian grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign for the Jordan Valley, has finished a successful tour of various cities throughout Italy. Participating in Biella at the concluding seminar of a series of events focusing on Palestine as well as in meetings with social groups and media, he witnessed a growing trend in […]

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Geneva conference looks to future with boycott of Israel on agenda

An international conference organised by the Swiss committees of “Collectifs Urgence Palestine” and the European Coordination for Palestine (ECCP) took place in Geneva on May 26-28 with a wide array of speakers and activists in attendance. The conference declaration stated support for the Palestinian call for boycotts, sanctions and divestment (BDS) against Apartheid Israel as […]