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Resistance against ghettoization and home demolitions in South and East Yatta

On Wednesday May 31st, the people of South and East Yatta resisted attacks on their villages, as Occupation forces stepped up their isolation and expulsion policies in south Hebron district. Clashes broke out in Um Lasafa, where homes have been demolished, and in South Yatta villagers forced the Occupation to dismantle parts of the Wall […]

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Al Walaja behind Walls: Land, livelihood and education under Occupation

On Tuesday 30th of May, Occupation bulldozers attacked the southwest of al-Walaja demolishing two sheds. The destruction comes at the same time as a demolition order for the local school, preparing the path for the Apartheid Wall. The Wall will ghettoize villagers, stealing their lands for the expansion of the settlements. Occupation Soldiers and bulldozers […]

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British teachers’ union overwhelmingly passes motion for academic boycott

One year after the AUT’s courageous vote for academic boycott, NATFHE, Britain’s second union for educational and academic staff, voted on Monday in favour of a motion recommending its members boycott Israeli academics and institutions that do not publicly declare their opposition to the Occupation and Israel’s racist policies. The 69,000-member National Association of Teachers […]

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CUPE Ontario votes in Support of Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Against Israeli Apartheid

CUPE Ontario (Canadian Union of Public Employees) has passed a resolution in support of the global campaign to isolate Apartheid Israel committing itself to educate its members and branches about the Apartheid nature of Israel. It further asks the national body of the trade union to initiate research into Canadian involvement and complicity with the […]

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Settlement expansion in Jordan Valley expels Palestinians from their land in Wadi al-Maleh

The Occupation has approved a decision to expand N. Maskiyot settlement in Jordan Valley. The further land grab for Zionist training space in the settlement will expel Palestinians from even more areas of Wadi al-Maleh. On 21st of May, the Occupation passed a decision to confiscate further 3000 dunums of Palestinian lands in Wadi al-Maleh […]

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Scotland-wide Boycott Day Against Disney’s support for the Occupation

The Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign has launched a Boycott Day on Saturday, 27th of May. From 12-4pm, in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee, activists protested against Disney’s investments in Apartheid Israel. The Disney Corporation through its subsidiary group Shamrock plans to invest $100 million in the racist Apartheid state of Israel. This is over and above […]

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West Bethlehem in Final Stages of Ghettoization

***image2***In West Bethlehem, between al-Khader and the villages to be isolated in a ghetto on the west side of the Wall, the Occupation has begun building a tunnel under the settler-only road. This construction and the associated land devastation will finalize the isolation of the villages in an unbearable ghetto. Previously, on November 21, 2005, […]