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Siege of Jordan Valley ongoing – Seasonal Workers Evicted From Lands

The state of siege upon the Jordan Valley is still ongoing, with Palestinians without residency still barred from entering the area. Moreover, residents under 30 are not allowed to exit or enter the area. The Occupation is systematically confiscating ID cards of non-Valley Palestinians and deporting them, whilst preparing the area for Zionist expansion projects. […]

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WSF in Karachi, Pakistan: Call for an anti-normalization movement grows across Asia

The WSF of 2006 was held in three polycentric events, the first in Bamako, Mali, the second in Caracas, Venezuela, and the last one in Karachi, Pakistan. Palestine took centre stage at this year’s events and global discussions for another world. A delegation of 7 Palestinians participated in the third WSF event held in Karachi […]

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The Wall in a Week – Isolation of Jordan Valley and Jerusalem steps up as popular resistance marks land day for Palestine

In the last two weeks, Palestinians marked the 30th anniversary of Land Day, commemorating the 6 martyrs killed defending their lands in 1976. Rallies and protests captivated towns and villagers across the West Bank, as Palestinians vowed steadfastness to the liberation of their lands. Meanwhile, the Occupation stepped up the isolation of the Jordan Valley […]